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The goal of The W.I.P. Programme is to nurture the next generation of storytellers and creators in Singapore, helping them take strides toward their dreams of becoming professional creatives. We aim to level up and expand The W.I.P. Programme even further every year. 


Comic Submission

This is your opportunity to have your work seen by publishers/media companies, gain some invaluable feedback, and win some prizes along the way.


This year, we are partnered with Asiapac Books and Difference Engine to give all you aspiring creators out there this rare opportunity!

Comic Submission is now OPEN! You have till 16 August, 2359 to send us your best pitch for a comic.


The W.I.P. Lab

Are you a comic creator trying to figure out how to publish your first comic? Maybe you need help monetizing your IP. Or maybe you just want to hear your favourite creator tell their story. The W.I.P. Lab has you covered! Featuring talks by industry professionals and international creators. Aspiring creators out there, this one is for you!


The W.I.P. Programme Gallery

Make sure to check out the W.I.P. Programme Gallery. We'll be showcasing the winners of the Comic Submission Competition, The W.I.P Lab and much more!

0J5A2844.JPG x W.I.P. Programme Community Discord

Looking for your tribe? Join the x WIP Programme community Discord! Share your work, exchange ideas, look for creative partners. Mai shy, come say hi!

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A wise Jedi once said, “Do, or do not. There is no try.”
So, here's your chance!

Working together with Asiapac Books and Difference Engine, this is your chance to get your work seen by professionals and get some invaluable feedback. You never know, they might even work with you to get you published!

You have till 16 August, 2359 to send us your best pitch for a comic. Our committee of publishers will vet through all submissions and provide review notes. The top 10 submissions will also be featured in The W.I.P. Programme Gallery at SGCC 2024.

The top 3 submissions will be invited to present directly to our panel of publishers at SGCC 2024. So you better start working on your presentation skills as well.


Top 10 submissions: 

  • Feature in The WIP Programme Gallery at SGCC 2023

Top 3 submissions: 

  • S$800 cash each

  • Opportunity to present directly to participating publishers during SGCC 2023

*A.I. generated artwork will not be accepted for The W.I.P. Programme Comic Submission

Participating Publishers

Submission gl


​***All proposals must include the following:The following needs to be compiled into a single PDF file no more than 10MB. Label the PDF file with the title of your story.

A one page synopsis of your overall story

• Title of work

• Introduction to major characters

• Include major plot points & spoilers

• Format: graphic novel, limited series or on-going series

3-5 pages of fully inked and lettered sequential pages

• Black & white or full colour 

• A5 size or larger 

• 300DPI or higher resolution

A mock-up cover for your comic

• Black & white or full colour 

• A5 size or larger 

• 300DPI or higher resolution

A.I. generated art will not be accepted

In the event an entry is suspected of being A.I. generated, you will be asked to provide us with working files as proof it was created by you.

• All content within your proposal must be creator-owned.

• All submissions must include accompanying art.

• All submissions must be in the English language.

• Any discussions of ownership of intellectual property will be between the creator(s) and interested publishers.

Once you are ready, complete the WIP 2024 Submission Form here:

All proposals must reach us by 16 August, 2359.

If you have any lingering questions, drop us an email at with the subject line “WIP Programme 2024”. We promise we won’t bite, unless you ask nicely.


“Can I submit a fully completed graphic novel?”

Yes. 3-5 pages is the minimum number of pages to be submitted. You are allowed to submit more pages if you have them.

“I live outside of Singapore, am I eligible to submit?”

Yes. All submissions are welcome.

“Does the artwork have to be traditional/digital?”

No. Feel free to work in whatever medium you are most comfortable with. However, do note that all submissions have to be done digitally. No physical submissions can be accepted.

“What does fully inked and lettered sequential pages mean?”

All submitted pages must have completed art and text. Sequential pages would refer to pages that run in a continuous sequence. E.g. Pages 5, 6 and 7. It is not necessary to submit the first 3-5 pages of your comic. Pick 3-5 continuous pages that best reflect your comic.

“Can I make more than 1 submission?”

Yes. The more the merrier! You will need to fill up 1 entry form per submission. This is to avoid any kind of mix-up.

“Can I use A.I. software as part of my work process?”

Yes. You are welcome to use A.I. software to help with layouts and working out ideas, as long as the final submission is done by your hands.

“Is there an age restriction?”

No. There is no minimum age to submit to the WIP Programme. If you are of the younger age group, this is a great opportunity to get valuable feedback from industry professionals.

“What does ‘300DPI or higher resolution’ mean?”

This means that when you scan your artwork, make sure to scan it at 300dpi or higher. You have spent hours on hours on your artwork, it would be tragic if the viewer is not able to view it in its full glory because of a bad scan.

“What do you mean by spoiler?”

If you have any major twists or reveals in your story, make sure to include them in your proposal. This helps our committee to understand where your story is headed.

“Are you open to mature content or topics like LGBTQ?”

Yes. Even though one publisher might not put out mature content, another might be interested.

“Does my comic have to be about superheroes?”

No. The only limitation is your imagination! So feel free to submit your YA/noir/romance comic.

“Can I work with other creators?”

Yes. Feel free to work with writer or artist friends. There is no limit to how many participants there can be for a submission.

“What is the difference between a graphic novel, a limited series and an on-going series?”

A graphic novel is a novel in comic-strip format. A limited series refers to a comic book a series intended to end after a certain number of issue. Ongoing series is used to describe a series which has an unknown number of future issues.

“What is a mock-up cover?”

This refers to a cover for your comic. It should include art that represents the contents as well as a title/logo of your comic.

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Our partners in crime at Difference Engine (DE) have got you covered! Join DE’s Senior Editor Aditi Shivaramakrishnan and Design Lead Claire Low in a virtual info session where they’ll discuss some tips and tricks for prepping your submissions.

The session will cover the following:
● Insight into the comics editorial process
● Tips on preparing a compelling and comprehensive submission.
● Q&A

Who knows, you might even find a potential collaborator amongst your fellow attendees!

Mon, 15 July 2024, 8pm to 9pm GMT + 8, via Google Meet

Please sign up for the session using the link above. The Google Meet link will be sent to you
closer to the session’s date.


Stay in the loop with our latest scoop!

Event Details

Date: 7 - 8 December 2024


Venue: Marina Bay Sands Expo & Convention Centre


For general enquiries:

E-News Letter

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